Category Archives: Web Server

Magento Installation on GoDaddy Hosted Site: Solved

cPannel “Magento” Installation on GoDaddy Hosted Site,

should be a breeze but the support from GoDaddy is horrible and a regular issues is not logged in GoDaddy FAQ: What a shame.


The Installation fails because the installation script does not find PDO-MYSQL…. The following steps will help you to resolve the issue and install “MAGENTO” eCommerce.

Step 1: Check if PHP is up and running Version is compatible with your version of Magento Continue reading

WordPress in subdirectory htaccess

wordpress in subdirectory htaccess

If the WordPress is installed in /wordpress subfolder then the blog can be accessed but if you want the blog to be default page servered by the web-server.. there are many ways to do this.. but involves modification to many files and coping index.php, wp-config.php etc.

A simple solution is to edit “.htaccess” in the root folder (if it does not exist use text editor to  create the file ) note the ‘.’ in file name

RewriteEngine On
# Not a necessity .. but a learn on .htaccess so that
# even Intranet access is available from Root..# OR is use
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(/)?$ wordpress [L]
# Use the below if you want the user Browser to remember this redirect
# RewriteRule ^(/)?$ wordpress [L,R=301]

Edit 27 Sep 2014: “Pretty permalinks not working for sub-directory WordPress” with the above .htaccess

Solution: we require two .htaccess files Continue reading

Hosting Self Hosted WordPress Blogs not installed in Root

If the WordPress is installed in /wordpress subfolder then the blog can be accessed but if you want the blog to be default page servered by the web-server.. there are many ways to do this.. but involves modification to many files and coping index.php, wp-config.php etc..

A simple solution is to edit “.htaccess” in the root folder (if it does not exist use text editor to  create the file ) note the ‘.’ in file name

RewriteEngine On
# Not a necessity .. but a learn on .htaccess so that
# even Intranet access is available from Root..# OR is use
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(/)?$ wordpress [L]
# Use the below if you want the user Browser to remember this redirect
# RewriteRule ^(/)?$ wordpress [L,R=301]